Wednesday, June 19, 2019


THE LOVE THAT BINDS                                                                                                                                                             
There are four types of love expressed in the Bible. God has blessed us with the ability to use each form of love depending on the circumstance.
STORGE: LOVE OF FAMILY.  This type of love is shared between family members, parents and children, siblings, other relatives.  It is also shared between spouses.  The thing is, it is not unique to spousal love. While we love our spouses as family members, we also love other family members with that same type of love to one degree or another.
PHILEO: LOVE OF FRIENDS. Some claim their spouses to be their best friends.  That may be true.  But, just by using the word “best” indicates that there are other friends in their lives.  Most people have more than one friend.  So, again, friendship love is not unique to marriage.
AGAPE:  UNCONDITIONAL LOVE:  This is the highest form of love.  It is the type of love that God has towards us. We should love our spouses with this agape love—unconditionally.  Even if we do, for most of us, there are others who we love this way: parents, certain friends and relatives, our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Like the other forms of love, agape love is not unique to marriage.
EROS: ROMANTIC LOVE:  This is the one type of love that we should only share with our spouses.  No one else belongs in that space in our lives. While I love my wife as a family member, there are other family members who share in my “storge” love. My wife is my friend, but, I also have other friends that I love with the “phileo” love. Although I definitely love my wife unconditionally, there are others who fall under my “agape” love covering. But, when it comes to “eros”, romantic/erotic love, only my wife holds that place in my life.  She is my one and only lover. She is the object of my desire. Only she shares that depth of intimacy with me.  By the way, though sex is obviously involved in eros, it is so much more.  So very much more.  With all of the other forms of love, in marriage, eros is the love that binds.

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