Thursday, June 26, 2008

As We Approach 35...1

It was no surprise

When I woke up this morning

So very much in love with you.

After all, I went to sleep last night

The same way…

So very much in love with you.

Shhhhh…Don’t move.

I just want to look at you…

I want to drink in every drop of you…

To feel every touch of you…

To hear every sound of you…

To breathe the very scent of you…

Indeed, to breathe the very breath

Of a life being spent

In love with you.

So, again, it’s no surprise

To wake up loving you.

Loving you is

What I do.


As we approach our 35th year of marriage, there is a scripture that comes to mind. It speaks of the outer man perishing while the inner man grows stronger each day. That is how I feel about me in our relationship. We have been married for almost 35 years and that means that I am 35 years older also. The outer man perishes while the inner man grows stronger.

I am a step or two slower than I used to be and yet, my heart races faster than ever at the very thought of you. While my eyesight is not as keen as it used to be, I still get a thrill at the sight of you. I sometimes forget a line to a poem that I wrote or the next chord to a song that I am playing, but, I will never forget our first kiss. No matter how tired I get, I never get tired of loving you. I am no where nearly as strong as I used to be, but, here is the thing: My love for you is stronger than ever.

As we approach our 35th year, I am so very glad to be approaching it with you.


Anonymous said...

As we approach 35 years of marriage I am more in love with you than ever before. I praise and give God all the glory for how He has blessed our relationship. We are a little older, maybe a little slower and you're a little grayer. But God is renewing our youth like that of the eagles!
With all my love,

Mai~Goodness said...

This is wonderful Daddy. I'm so happy that you guys found one another so many years ago, and CONTINUE to hold on to one another, preserving what you have. Thank you for showing us that a happy marriage is available to any and everyone who wants it, and we all have something to looking forward to. I love you.


Kokugaijin said...

Wow...if every man and woman could be so lucky. Beautiful.

Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Perkins!


Anonymous said...

Barbara and Charles,
Thank you for showing what a Covenant to the Lord and one another looks like. Thank you for modeling God's love in your marriage.

Unknown said...

Mr. and Mrs Perkins i can honestly say from the bottom of my heart that the two of you are an inspiration to me. Having known you and the family since i was younger i've had the opportunity to watch the Lord shine through your smiles and your marriage and it makes me so happy. I love you all. xoxo Toni